Does hand sanitizer wash the car and hurt the paint? What are the main ingredients?

by Benjamin Pan on

With the improvement of people's living standards and health knowledge, most people only know that hand sanitizer is used to wash hands and keep hands clean and healthy....

Car wash does not know these may have a very expensive price

by Benjamin Pan on

CAR WASH? Is this also necessary to explain? Who does not know the car wash? Not all car washes were dirty, and they couldn't continue to wash. Some...

Which is better for foam car wash and water washing?

by Benjamin Pan on

Nowadays, people choose to maintain the car a lot, there are many ways to choose a car wash, and there is also a dry cleaning is no water...

How to decorate a car beauty shop? Car beauty shop decoration precautions

by Benjamin Pan on

Nowadays, China can be said to be a car flood, so the car wash service has become a very good investment industry, and as a car beauty shop,...

The choice of car wash tools for aerial vehicles

by Benjamin Pan on

Although not like cars, high-altitude vehicles need to be carefully cleaned often, but they are often cleaned and maintained, which helps to prolong the service life of vehicles. Problems are...

How to wash car mats most effectively

by Benjamin Pan on

The most dirty thing in a car is the floor mat. If you use a vacuum cleaner with a brush head for vacuuming, you can make the dirty...

Several misunderstandings of your own car wash

by Benjamin Pan on

 After many car owners have enjoyed the pleasure of washing their cars, they will feel a sense of accomplishment when they look at the fruits of their labor....

New nano-coating technology allows cars to bid farewell to car wash

by Benjamin Pan on

Researchers at the University of Technology Eindhoven (TU / E) have developed a new automotive coating that is not easily soiled, eliminating the need for the user to...

After the snow wash car misunderstanding

by Benjamin Pan on

 In fact, many owners don't know that in fact, snow will corrode the car, so driving after the snow needs cleaning the car, which is very important. Do...

How to wash car mats is the most effective

by Benjamin Pan on

​ The dirtiest thing in a car is the floor mat. If you use a vacuum cleaner with a brush head to vacuum it, you can make the...